Integrated Wellness

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HopeWay is a private residential providing mental health services and holistic care grounded in science while building awareness and acceptance through education. Hopeway is located at 1717 Sharon Road West in southwest Charlotte on a 20-acre wooded campus.

Integrative therapies are a core component of the holistic approach offered at Hopeway.

  • Art Therapy – HopeWay’s art therapy in Charlotte, NC incorporates creativity and the healing power of art as an integral tool for healing and recovery.
  • Horticultural Therapy – The practice of horticultural therapy uses plants, gardens, and nature-based activities to promote well-being.
  • Music Therapy – Music Therapy is the use of evidence-based music interventions to accomplish individualized nonmusical goals.
  • Nutritional Wellness – Nutritional wellness is the celebration and education of cooking and healthy food choices, its impact on mental health, and exploring the physical and emotional relationship humans have with food.
  • Recreational Therapy – Recreational therapy is a therapeutic treatment process, typically practiced in a group setting, that is designed to restore, remediate and enhance a person’s functioning while fostering independence in life activities.
  • Pet Therapy – Pet therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy, is the therapeutic process of spending time with animals.

Triple Play Farm

Triple Play Farm offers Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy [EFP] and nature based sessions as an alternative to traditional talk therapy.

Other integrated wellness


The Earth provides natural healing energy to you.

There is growing evidence that connecting the human body to the earth by walking barefoot on the ground can reduce pain in the body, reduce overall stress levels and improve sleep.

Feeling the need to ground your energy?  Slip off your shoes and socks and walk outside, barefoot.

Eye Gazing

Some say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Literally, eye to eye, one human to another can change your brain. When people experience eye contact with themselves in a mirror or with another person, a chemical called phenylethylamine is released. This natural chemical is a euphoric sensation that creates a feeling of being connected. That feeling of connection brings hope

Click here for research.

Breathing exercises

Proven to help reduce stress in the mind and body as it signals to the brain that you’re in control and safe in your surroundings. Concentrating on slow, deep breathing using numbers or other mantras helps to disengage from distracting thoughts and feelings.

There are many different techniques in the article referenced above. A couple of favorites are bee’s breath see video:

Bee’s Breath


Box breathing using a 4 count on the inhale, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4 helps reduce cortisol and calm the nervous system.